Self-assess your sailing skills up to 4 Beaufort or about 16 knots of wind.

Level 1 = not at all true (0% - 20%)
Level 2 = just about true (21% - 50%)
Level 3 = true well (51% - 80%)

Level 4 = absolutely true (81% - 100%).

If you give yourself a 1 on any criterion, or you generally consider yourself to be in Level 2, it would make sense to brush up on your sailing skills before taking an Intro course. For example with a REFRESHER COURSE or with our sailing offers like SUNDOWNER and SAISONSTARTER.

Criteria up to 4 Bft.)
1 2 3 4
You know the procedures when maneuvering the boat and you can implement them.
Sheet and tiller handling
Handling of sheet and tiller are coordinated, changing hands works fine.
You handle the sailing licence maneuvers (to gybe, to tack, to beat, to berth etc.)
Sail settings
You always set the sails to the desired course correctly and respond to gusts.
To berth or get underway / Motor
You can easily berth or get underway with engine in the port / at buoy (under sail and engine)
You know the most common knots (bowline, figure 8 knot and sheet bend) and know the handling of the yacht even in difficult conditions (wind, waves, etc.)